Phpstorm Postgresql

If you perform the same actions for an existing table, PhpStorm adds the data to that table. Restore a full data dump for MySQL and PostgreSQL You can restore data dumps by means of the mysql client utility for MySQL, or pgrestore or psql for PostgreSQL. 相比之下,PostgreSQL的图形化用户界面(GUI)工具则可以帮助用户对数据库实现更好的管理、操纵、以及可视化其数据。用户可以从pgAdmin的官网- https://www.pgadmin.o. Follow instructions 2 - 4 on this website to prepare PhpStorm for debugging and add bookmarklets to enable xdebug from your browser. Connecting to the PostgreSQL database. Open a database window by going to View Tool Windows Database. Press the + button and under Data Source choose to add a PostgreSQL database. Then set the following. The PostgreSQL functions in the previous procedure can only be used with PostgreSQL databases. PDO abstracts database access, and enables you to use code that can handle different types of databases. To connect to PostgreSQL using PDO, follow these steps.

Postgresql ubuntu phpstorm. Improve this question. Follow edited Jul 3 '16 at 13:16. 136k 37 37 gold badges 330 330 silver badges 335 335 bronze badges.

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Future versions

  • PHP
    • New Refactorings: Extract super class Move members - any
    • PHPDoc Standard (PSR-5) support
    • Autoloading Standard (PSR-4) support
    • Type inference support for SPL
    • Namespaces project view
    • phpdbg debugger
    • Related files navigation for MVC frameworks
    • More actions accessible from UML diagrams (refactorings, advanced code generation, etc)

PhpStorm 10 (To be released in Q4 2015)

  • Editing Experience
    • Full PHP 7 support
    • PHP REPL (read–eval–print loop, interactive console for PHP)
    • Make static refactoring
    • Type inference improvements
    • Structural Search & Replace scenarios for PHP - basically an ability to easily define custom inspection rules
    • @method annotation improvements

    • Support for @inheritdoc in quick method doc
  • Tools & Environment
    • Composer via Remote PHP Interpreters
    • PHPUnit running system rework
  • Platform Features
    • Code formatter improvements
    • New UI for running tests
    • OS X and Java Version (the installer doesn't require Java 6 anymore, the Switch IDE Boot JDK action)
    • True HiDPI Support for Windows and Linux
    • Indication for Running Configurations

    • Version Control: Editing Code in Diff Viewer

    • Find in Path: Preview Pane

    • Database Tools: New Data Sources and Drivers Dialog

We are also experimenting on:

  • Zend Framework 2 support
  • Joomla support
  • Data flow analysis
  • Array element type tracking
  • Inline rename
  • Getters/setters autocompletion
  • Duplicates detection for extract method
  • Stubs versioning (so that stubs correspond to selected language level)

  • Docker integration: image/container management and deployment tools
  • Plugin & new features discoverability

Please note that this public list is both neither complete nor definitive... Stay tuned to feature highlights in upcomingEAP builds!

PhpStorm 9 (Released in July 2015)

  • Editing Experience
    • Advanced PHP type inference - better problem detection & code completion
    • Partial PHP 7 support
    • Live debugging data overlay directly in editor
    • Postfix code completion for PHP
    • Remote Edit
    • Inline mode for rename refactoring
    • Introduce parameter refactoring
    • Various formatting and PHPDoc-related features
  • Tools & Environment
    • Easy use of “remote” tools (SSH or VM-hosted) - e.g. PHP Code Sniffer, PHP Mess Detector
    • Even easier PHP debugging setup and problem detection
  • Platform Features
    • Easy Inspection scopes setup
    • HiDPI support for Windows/Linux
    • A brand-new distraction-free mode, see View | Enter Distraction Free Mode
    • New version control log viewer, time-color-coding for Annotate view
    • Adding multiple selections with the mouse
    • A new option to Copy as rich text by default
  • Better automated bug reporting - to reduce Support roundtrips

PhpStorm 8 (Released in Q3 2014)

  • PHP
    • Blade template engine support
    • Remote PHP interpreters
    • Behat
    • PHP 5.6 language features support
    • WordPress support: Hooks support Specific navigation WP-CLI command-line tool Code style
    • Drupal 8 support
    • Source & Test directories for PHP
    • PHPUnit on Server improvements
    • Type inference enhancements
    • Language injections into PHP literals to be re-worked
  • Misc / Platform
    • Multiple selection (Multi Cursor)
    • Opening a single file without creating an entire project

PhpStorm 7 (Released in Oct 2013)

  • PHP
    • PHP 5.5 support
    • New Refactorings: Extract interface Move static members
    • SSH terminal
    • Remote tools
    • Twig Template Engine improvements
    • Type inference and PHPDoc improvements
    • Vagrant Integration
    • Extended syntax colouring for various constructs
    • Injected language features enhancements
    • Advanced PHPDOC formatting and editing
    • More PHP openapi features
    • PHPUnit on Server improvements
    • Google App Engine for PHP support
    • INI plugin update
    • Debugger Improvements
      • Smart Step Into
      • Remote environment debug configuration validation
      • Debugger engine automatic detection and validation
    • Framework-specific features
      • Drupal Plugin
      • Zend Framework 2 command line tool support (ZFTool)
      • Support for tools based on Symfony Console (Laravel, Doctrine)

PhpStorm 6 (Released in Q2 2013)

  • PHP
    • New Refactorings: Change signature Push/Pull members
    • Auto 'use' insertion on class name completion
    • PSR0 support in refactoring
    • MVC Framework (Symfony, Yii) components view generators integration
    • Composer support
    • Advanced PHPDoc metadata support: factories
    • PHP openapi
    • Code (re)Arrangement
  • Misc
    • easier compilation for LESS, SASS, TypeScript, CoffeeScript and other - via File Watchers plugin
  • JavaScript
    • Google Linter integration
    • Debugging via source maps: TypeScript, Dart, CoffeeScript
    • TypeScript support

PhpStorm & WebStorm 5 (Released in Sep 2012)

  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • Advanced type inference based on complete control flow analysis for local variables fields Changed heuristic-based (sloppy) type inference engine to correct data flow analysis based one, dramatically improving variable type detection at any given code point and tremendously reducing number of false positives on code inspection.
    • MVC Framework (Symfony, Yii) components view
    • PHAR support
    • Typo3 framework - TypoScript support
    • Predefined code style (formatter) settings for PSR1/PSR2 and Symfony2
    • New code inspections and runtime-error prevention checks
  • JavaScript
    • Project-level JS libraries
    • JSTestDriver tests debug
    • Google Closure Compiler JSDoc annotations support
    • Google Dart support
    • JADE support
    • improved completion, navigation, code formatting and advanced constructs support
  • Database/SQL ** live schema refactoring (rename table/column, drop table/column, new table/column + DDL export)
    • query result export as CSV, TSV, HTML, SQL INSERTs, SQL UPDATEs to file/clipboard
    • New Definition editor: stored procedure editing, Oracle packages + QuickDoc support
    • Console: added result export, sorting, multiline editing
    • improved SQL completion, schema loading performance, DDL generation (vendor-specific types, constraints & index handling)
  • Other
    • Live HTML/CSS/JS editing preview

PhpStorm & WebStorm 4 (Released in April 2012)

  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • PhpDoc inheritance
    • More code inpection
    • PHP 5.4
    • PhpUnit code coverage
    • Code Sniffer integration
    • Drupal coding style support
  • JavaScript
    • EcmaScript 6 experimental features
    • Traceur compiler (EcmaScript 6 -> JavaScript) preview support
    • Unit tests code coverage
    • Node.js core sources support
    • Project generators from HTML5 Boilerplate, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js Express App
  • Other
    • Custom code folding regions (VS and NB styles)
    • Improved Project and and Debugger toolwindows and other parts of UI
    • Behat (BDD) syntax
    • Project creation from Boilerplates
    • SVN 1.7 support
    • Import config wizard
    • DB2 & Sybase SQL dialect support
    • Formatting support for SCCS / LESS
    • Performance improvements for large CSS files

PhpStorm & WebStorm 3.0 (Released in Nov 2011)

  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • Advanced PHP formatter
      • PEAR, Zend and other styles
      • Alignment of key=>value pairs, on '=' sign in a group of assignments
      • PHPDoc Formatting
    • UML support (with roundtrip code/diagram editing)
    • Profiling support Xdebug Zend Debugger
    • Advanced PHPDoc metadata support: chain calls
    • Improved Twig support
    • PHPUnit 3.6 + standard test runner, improved test navigation and generation
    • Duplicate code detection support
    • Set of basic Live Templates
  • FTP
    • Fine grained setup for excluding stuff from sync
    • recursive comparison feature
  • XSLT debugger
  • HTML
    • Zen-coding 0.7 support
    • Validation of HTTP links
    • Updated HTML5 schema
  • CSS
    • SASS & LESS completion for tags, property names and property values
  • node.js support (including debugging)
  • JavaScript
    • JsTestDriver support (support for QUnit and Jasmine testing frameworks)
    • CoffeeScript suport
    • Duplicate code detection support
  • Other
    • More streamlined UI: more compact layout in all dialogs , better blending into modern OS'es style , OS X Lion fullscreen mode.
    • Color schemes
    • Microsoft TFS support

PhpStorm & WebStorm 2.1 (Released in May 2011)

  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • Initial Twig support
    • Refactoring: extract method/function.
    • Phing support
  • .htaccess support
  • HTML
    • 'Related files' popup for HTML/XHTML
    • Nested tags highlighting
  • HAML
  • JavaScript
    • Google Chrome JavaScript debugging
  • XSLT 2 editor support

PhpStorm & WebStorm 2.0 (Released in Feb 2011)

  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • Zend framework support (zend_tool )
    • Symfony framework support (symfony commandline tool)
    • Zend debugger support
    • Refactoring: Smart introduce field/constant, safe delete, inline variable.
    • New code inspections
      • Control flow / Unreachable statement
      • Control flow / Wrong catch clauses order
      • Probable bug / Wrong string concatenation operator
      • Type compatibility / Invalid foreach() argument type
      • Control flow / Unused parameter
    • full fledged PHP namespace support
    • Structure view sorting and filtering
  • SQL (PhpStorm only!)
    • New full-fledged code editor for SQL console
    • Editable query results grid
    • BLOB support
  • ECMAScript 5 support
  • CSS
    • LESS editor support
    • SASS 3 support
  • Language Injection
    • Improved automatic SQL & HTML injection into PHP string literals
    • New editor of injected fragments
  • Version control support
    • New DVCS UI (Git, etc) with easy multiple repository branch switching, built-in log views and integrated cherrypicking, etc.
    • Softwrap in code editor, spellchecking at completion in all controls (i.e. commit dialog)
    • Mercurial support
  • Other
    • Streamlined UI: more compact layout, better indication, better blending into OS style
    • RelaxNG support

PhpStorm & WebStorm 1.0 (Released in June 2010)

Phpstorm Postgresql Database

  • JavaScript (laguage standard 1.6 with partial 1.7)
    • Editing (syntax, code completion, code inspections, etc.)
    • Refactoring
    • Go to symbol, declaration
    • Structure view
    • Advanced support for frameworks (JSON, DoJo, JSDoc, jQuery, Prototype) (check FAQ on other framework support)
  • CSS
  • PHP (PhpStorm only!)
    • full 5.3 syntax support
    • scope-aware code completion
    • PHP refactorings: rename, introduce variable.
    • advanced code inspections (visibility, type checking, etc)
    • Language injection - SQL in PHP
    • support for any type of outer language - HTML, CSS, XML, SQL, etc..
    • Frameworks & libs: Smarty (check FAQ on other framework support)
  • SQL (PhpStorm only!)
    • syntax and error highlighting
    • keywords, table and column names completion
    • SQL Console
    • generic SQL (SQL-92)
    • MySQL
    • MSSQL
    • ORACLE
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite
  • Spell Checker

Phpstorm Postgresql Free

Phpstorm postgresql download
  • FTP/SFTP sync
  • XSLT


- Feature Implemented
- Under Investigation
- In Progress

Phpstorm Postgresql Download

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Phpstorm Postgresql Docker

PHP InspectionsBugWI-58588False positive 'Condition is never matched' in match expression when one of inferred types of match argument is empty or mixed
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP..BugWI-57672Change help tooltip in deployment options
Code Analysis. DuplicatesBugIDEA-255779Code duplicates in headless mode does not work in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3
Core. IDE SettingsFeatureIDEA-247100Sync IDEA platform SDKs with those installed by asdf-java
BugIDEA-255402'Default project directory' setting is ignored
Core. IndexingBugIDEA-259783shared-indexes: unload exception in JDKs
Core. InstallationExceptionIDEA-257865CCE at com.intellij.database.actions.AddDataSourceFromPath$1.<init>
Core. Navigation and SearchBugIDEA-259121'Go to File' shows a lot of directories first but no files
Core. Password ManagementBugIDEA-258912OSX Keychain is not available on Apple ARM chips (aarch64)
Core. Project SettingsBugIDEA-260248Project Structure dialog: changes in module name aren't applied if module dependencies were changed at the same time
BugIDEA-262628Trusted host is not recognized if recorded with protocol
BugIDEA-260145Cannot rename module with custom (i.e. non project-default) JDK
BugIDEA-260512Android facets are gone
BugIDEA-249398Persistent AddDiffException on project open after quitting IDEA
PerformanceIDEA-252694Freeze during processing changed project configuration files
CosmeticsIDEA-263464The 'trust host' checkbox label in the Trust And Open Gradle/Maven Project dialog
Core. Run. ConfigurationsBugIDEA-261259Alternative coverage runner option disappears at reopening
BugIDEA-256715'Repeat N times' option in JUnit run configuration is shown twice
BugIDEA-256734Invalid got it tooltip for 'Repeat N times'
BugIDEA-259609'<no module>' can not be selected
BugIDEA-261930Run configuration's working directory disappeared after setting it to an empty value
CosmeticsIDEA-260033[new run config UI] extra artifacts on 'Got it' tooltip
Core. Run. TargetsBugIDEA-258084Run Targets: JUnit: attempt to run 'all in package' run configuration fails with SSH target
Editor. Diff and MergeBugIDEA-257651Diff view detects big diff but change was only small
Lang. MarkdownBugIDEA-258796Unnecessary backslash escape in triple-backticked bash block
Lang. XPath and XSLTBugIDEA-207408XSLT debugger broken on Java 9+
Tools. DockerBugIDEA-259303Docker. Settings on the Tools page are wrong red marked
BugIDEA-259400Log spamming by Docker integration when host is not available anymore
User InterfaceBugIDEA-255506Inline debugger dialog incorrectly sized on Ubuntu
BugIDEA-257834Cannot open cloned project while another one is being opened
User Interface. Embedded Browser (JCEF)BugIDEA-259096JCEF: window.cefQuery_XXXXXX_XX is not a function for query created after the browser is shown
User Interface. FocusBugIDEA-259513Extra editor tab lose focus when switch between source/header
User Interface. GraphicsUsabilityIDEA-256044Close All But Pinned Broken / Missing
Version ControlBugIDEA-169090Wrong highlighting of copy-pasted fragment in editor gutter
BugIDEA-251317Viewing a diff from 'Apply Patch' dialog sometimes shows a weird error
Version Control. GitBugIDEA-251265Search everywhere doesn't find action Annotate with Git Blame by request 'git blame'
BugIDEA-253049Git Staging Area: 'Delete Files from Git' dialog shouldn't pop up on deleting unversioned files
BugIDEA-257461Missing arrows in stash camper window
Version Control. LogUsabilityIDEA-254354Branch list doesn't focus item on right click
DB IntrospectionBugDBE-12264Code: 417, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Expected ANY or ALL in JOIN section, because setting (join_default_strictness) is empty, e.what() = DB::Exception
TaskDBE-12513Error while introspecting H2 database: Syntax Error
DB RefactoringBugDBE-12422Renaming MySQL JSON column with default value
SQL CompletionExceptionDBE-12561Throwable at com.intellij.sql.psi.impl.SqlImplUtil.quoteIdentifier
SQL HighlightingFeatureDBE-12473Better highlighting in Run Configurations
FeatureDBE-12470Support MariaDB Compound Statements outside of Stored Programs
BugDBE-12492Ambiguous column name isn't reported in qualified with CTE name
BugDBE-12371MariaDB SQL dialect: Incorrect handling of 'FOR SHARE' and 'RETURNING'
BugDBE-12493Incorrect syntax with min_active_rowversion
BugDBE-12528TODO comments ignored in procedure bodies for PostgreSQL
BugDBE-12499Can't pass multiple values in the ROWS FROM clause
BugDBE-12500Can't use type cast inside 'PARTITION OF' clause
BugDBE-12553Analytic functions are marked as error for H2
HTMLBugWEB-36210Allow ARIA accessibility attributes in SVG elements
BugWEB-49001Support data-* attribute in SVG 2.0 files
JavaScriptBugWEB-49156Incorrect syntax error 'yield is not allowed as identifier in strict mode' in a generator function
BugWEB-49307Opening project in new version of IDE changes settings of JavaScriptSettings component in .idea/misc.xml
PerformanceWEB-48983Webstorm 2020.3.x MacOS slow and high CPU compared to 2020.2
TaskWEB-49259Show suggestions from string literals only on Ctrl-Space
JavaScript. FrameworksBugWEB-48038No autocompletion for makeStyles/createStyles
BugWEB-49137Quick fix 'Add import statement' doesn't work for 'React'
BugWEB-49135Incorrect import suggestions for React methods
Unit TestsBugWEB-48569Error debugging Mocha tests run with Vue CLI due to 'Unknown argument: jobs'
BugWEB-49314Cannot debug karma v6 test code (error in karma-intellij-debug.js)