Line Break In Word

The word-break property specifies how words should break when reaching the end of a line. How to Search for Line Breaks, Tabs, and Special Characters in MS Word Over at the Technet Magazine blog, they’ve posted a very useful article that explains how to search for special characters like line breaks, tabs, or even white space. All you have to do is use a special modifier in the search box. Word's optional break character offers a helpful workaround that lets you, not Word, control the break. Long text at the right margin usually gets wrapped to the next line, leaving a gap. It’s the most convenient way to convert soft returns (manual line breaks) to hard returns (paragraph marks) by using Kutools for Word. Kutools for Word provides one click operation to accomplish the converting. Kutools for Word, a handy add-in, includes groups of tools to ease your work and enhance your ability of processing word document. Page or section break (Replaces a section break with a page break) ^13 or ^p. Carriage return/paragraph mark ^14 or ^n. Question mark ^-Optional hyphen ^ Nonbreaking hyphen ^^ Caret character ^+ Em dash ^= En dash ^m. Manual page break ^s. Nonbreaking space ^nnn. Where 'n' is an ASCII character number ^0nnn.


Intended audience: browser implementers, specification developers, and anyone who would like to get a better idea about how full line breaks and text wrapping differs for writing systems around the world.

This article gives a high level summary of various typographic strategies for wrapping text at the end of a line, for a variety of scripts.

Line-breaking is often a precursor to text justification. For a similar high-level summary of approaches to justification see Approaches to full justification.

This article provides a broad overview of the different strategies used by different writing systems, but is only an overview. Special rules apply to pretty much all scripts affecting what characters can and can't start or end a line. Some writing systems allow hyphenation, and others don't. We will only give examples of the main differences, rather than exhaustively list all the details.

For more detailed information about how line-breaking happens in various scripts, see the International text layout and typography index.

Hi all,

How To Add A Line Break In Word

currently looking for a way to format inserted hyperlinks with word wraps / linebreaks.
What I do is mask some hyperlink with some long text. Example text which is in a text box:
this is what the document is called
and this is the author and this is some pretty long text
and this is some more text

Then select that, and choose Insert => Hyperlink then choose Web and insert the actual hyperlink.Line Break In Word
Expected result: The link should at least be wrapped at the textbox boundary, or it should be possible to manually insert/force word wraps / linebreaks.Break
Actual result: The link will not wrap at all, all displayed on one line, and the rest of the link is be displayed outside the right side of the textbox
There also seems to be no way to edit the link formatting, or to change the text box formatting to get the link to wrap ...
Already did some preliminary searching, and found some related topics: - which has been confirmed with OOo 3.2 and it seems it has not been fixed sinceLine

Line Break In Word Doc ... hp?t=14657 - enabled CTL and inserted 'No-width optional breaks' - does not seem to be recognised after - did not really understand that well enough

Line Break In Word Shortcut

Is there any workaround for this? This is with AOo 4.1.1. Please tell me if you need more information.

How To Delete A Line Break In Word

Line Break In Microsoft Word

Kind Regards